Sentence definition is - a word, clause, or phrase or a group of clauses or phrases forming a syntactic unit which expresses an assertion, a question, a command, a wish, an exclamation, or the performance of an action, that in writing usually begins with a capital letter and concludes with appropriate end punctuation, and that in speaking is distinguished by characteristic patterns of … The keys were located all over the world, except for four of them, which were based here in the command center. What is the nature of the luxury which enervates and destroys nations? Which was more than I was doing yesterday, it seems. That was his 'final answer' look which dictated there should be no more discussion. Rob Lamberts. "The final decision of which candidate is best suited for the job rests with you, the voters," he added. Martha was unavoidably reassigned hours which included weekends. "You have a skill you're probably not aware of, but which I need," he said with pensive slowness. Her gaze landed on the dining room, which looked much like that of a fancy restaurant. How could Edith be sure which rope he'd use? I'm not sure which of my sins she considers worst - being a Medena offspring or refusing my heritage. Of the two, Hannah was weaker, but Kiki was his brother. Depending on its type, a sentence consists of a main clause and … Then he looked up to find the nest from which they had fallen. Only to find herself staring at the bubbles of blood forming from within his fist, which was clamped around the blade of a knife a few inches from her face. "Which was …" "In the closet in the corner of my bedchamber, the one I told you to go through.". The most important day I remember in all my life is the one on which my teacher, Anne Mansfield Sullivan, came to me. You can also use a “which” clause to modify another clause or an entire sentence (3), as in. Which reminds me, you've got a ten o'clock today with your producer to plan out shooting for the next season, Ingrid said. Let’s say you spend one paragraph describing the details of a delicious ten-course meal you ate, and then you emphasize your gluttony by starting a new paragraph with a sentence like this “Which was why I had such a stomachache.” That’s a perfectly legitimate way to express yourself. I've been instructed to show you to your chamber, after which I'll be released. Which would be worse, an uneasy stomach or split lips? The shutters were all closed, except at one window which was open. Speaking of which, I need to go set up monitoring shit and kill some Others. Another branch caught him and lifted him upwards again. He raised his other hand to shield his eyes from the flashlight, which Dean then turned away. If you had asked him, he would have helped you. What happened when you noticed it? If you had invited them, they would have come. Brady didn't care for power, which was why he'd always gotten along with Tim. This could also be written as: The rapidity of their speech confuses my dwindling mind or Sometimes it was difficult to know which virtues they taught her were worthy and which were simply out-dated. Of course, she had the thirty-some thousand in her savings account - most of which had been allotted her when she turned twenty-one. In his hand was a bouquet of wild flowers, which he promptly threw to the side when he saw her on the floor. "Which would explain this," Darian said and pushed up her sleeve to show the black cuff. Everything comes at a cost, Gabriel, which you know. The tumor is still growing, which means there is still a chance at cognitive deterioration. She motioned for me to pick up the extension which I did. She leaned against the wall, eyeing the distance from her position to the rock on which Rhyn sat. On the sloping descent to the Dnieper Alpatych's cart and that of the innkeeper's wife, which were slowly moving amid the rows of soldiers and of other vehicles, had to stop. Which reminds me - have you set a date yet? Which means, what happened between you and this Gabriel was more than a one night stand. They moved slowly to the bank on which she stood, bumped into the dirt wall and floated to nestle into piles at the bottom. Her heart had quickened for two reasons, one of which she did not want to admit. Katie Young looked at the speedometer, which read thirty-seven when the blue lights flared up behind her, jarring her out of the pre-coffee morning stupor. Rhyn snorted and faced the corner, making out Gabriel's eyes, which gleamed darker than a night in Hell itself. I wanted to believe he could make it in the Immortal world, because if he could, I could, too," she started. Dean silently hoped the call wasn't some convoluted effort to restore their relationship, which to his mind was thankfully finished. In the darkness, he wasn't reminded of an ache he'd killed long ago, that which reminded him he once knew what it was to feel the warmth of the sun on his human skin. It’s up to you as the writer to figure out how best to present your ideas. 196. Although your English teachers probably scolded you for leaving out vital parts of sentences when you were writing essays, you are allowed to use sentence fragments when you want to make a point. She tried to help me in her own way, I guess, which was better than what Rhyn's brothers did to him. So you could perhaps say, “I ate all the cookies. One stronghold was in the north, in which they stood, and one in the south near the entrance to the desert. In either case a grave crime has been committed which deserves a grave punishment. Example sentences with the word with. She waited for him to leave then checked her micro, which was still working on decrypting his encoded messages. The abbreviation “i.e.” should always appear after the first section of the sentence, in the middle, so it is grammatically correct. She couldn't control it, which terrified her. They were standing at the first turn which now lighted looked familiar. Nothing was there. While you're here please check out our other great shows like The Housecall Doctor, with Dr. (Informal) You can change it to You try but you can't protect me, Rhyn, which you've proven a dozen times over. Alpatych went up to a large crowd standing before a high barn which was blazing briskly. He'd lost Lilith when Rhyn killed her and their son. "Which is located near my apartment building," Deidre said, needing the brandy again already. Perhaps this had been the evil of which Death spoke. By their goofy math, which figured from the first day of her last period, she was 9 weeks pregnant. The sentence’s meaning has changed: the reader does not know which one of my cars goes very fast. An example will help! Instead, he started walking away and summoned his powers, wondering which of his brothers could be coerced into giving him what he wanted. The two times in his life he recalled people seeing his eyes – which glowed like the red gem at his mother's throat – were not pleasant. You’ve probably come across a lonely “which” clause. First there were the natural sciences, themselves only just emerging from a confused conception of their true method; especially those which studied the borderland of physical and mental phenomena, the medical sciences; and pre-eminently that science which has since become so popular, the science of biology. None of his dealers reported one missing, which left two options, neither of them good. "At first, I think it was knowing he was a black sheep like me. He didn't ask questions, which Gabriel liked. Gabriel was quiet for a long moment, which she took as a bad sign. The pool was only wide enough for a few strokes, which she covered quickly. C.mon, Toby, Katie said and turned away, allowing Toby to pull her down the hall to the dining chamber, which had yet to fill up. He was telling her to let it ring, which was an excellent idea. Then he took from his pocket a sheet of paper on which some verses were written. He took in the various scenes, to include the local news, which blasted photos of the black skies and mounting waves of the tropical-storm-turned-hurricane. Which is why you hope to keep the Council together. As you can see, “which” clauses are quite versatile. The Wizard carried his satchel, which was quite heavy, and Zeb carried the two lanterns and the oil can. He beamed a smile and offered his arm, which she accepted. No. My sister always treated me like I was a blight on the family name. Just above them, and almost on a level with their platform, were banks of rolling clouds which constantly shifted position and changed color. And yet, each time he caught her, she was embarrassed – which amused him greatly. Which had finally arrived. : Seven teams have competed in every finals tournament, five of which have won the title. The first sentence asks about the favorite color of the person, which can be any color on the palette. The earth beneath him trembled, which he took as a good sign. She narrowed the distance again, this time rising up on her tiptoes to kiss him lightly on the lips, the final push over the cliff on which he teetered. But in the second sentence, the person is given two choices, red and pink, and they have to choose between these two options only. Sentences with audio are listed first. Sasha's servants wouldn't get within a foot of Rhyn; instead, they shaped the magic of Sasha's realm around him and gave him only one direction to go, that which Sasha wanted. The workers rebuilt the bridge connecting the city to its suburb. The air-conditioned hospital corridor gave way to the balmy heat of the Caribbean island on which he stood. Her head cleared enough for her to see she'd hit one of his arms, which was drenched with blood. It definitely stood out and you paid attention. If the clause could modify more than one thing, then it would be ambiguous and perhaps confusing to readers. Sentence Examples. When a man is warmed by the several modes which I have described, what does he want next? He had come to her in the dream in which he killed her. You're staying where my brothers can't get to you, which is with me. The emotion she'd admitted to yesterday – which Andre had told him as well – shimmered in her large blue eyes. Gabe didn't know which way the Ancient would go. He'd been in the middle of deciding which of his collection of knives he was going to use to kill the goddess once and for all when the noise started. The true method of science which he possessed forced him to condemn as useless the entire form which Schelling's and Hegel's expositions had adopted, especially the dialectic method of the latter, whilst his love of art and beauty, and his appreciation of moral purposes, revealed to him the existence of a transphenomenal world of values into which no exact science could penetrate. The dining room was directly off the kitchen, which was also lavish. Learn how to use Which using many example sentences. I help them with marketing, which was my major until I quit school. In his other: the sticky note on which she'd written her hasty resignation. You can't really measure which is most dangerous. But, further, every attempt to think clearly what those relations are, what we really mean, if we talk of a fixed order of events, forces upon us the necessity of thinking also that the different things which stand in relations or the different phases which follow each other cannot be merely externally strung together or moved about by some indefinable external power, in the form of some predestination or inexorable fate. She touched the subcutaneous communications implant behind her right ear, which activated the communications net, and rolled onto her back. First, in the magnitude of what it claims, and second, in the degree to which it differs from what pessimists predict. A relative pronoun, used esp. Lana looked up at the bridge, trying to determine which way it was to shore. It is your destiny to choose which world survives. Sam asked which horse Carmen wanted and then began saddling it. Take this sentence: “The workers rebuilt the bridge connecting the city to its suburb, which had been destroyed during the war.” That's a less-than-ideal sentence because your clause could possibly modify three things: the bridge, the city, or its suburb. There was no defined point at which everything went wrong – or right, depending on the viewpoint. Past-Deidre walked out and left me to clean up the mess, which I did poorly. She rolled her eyes at his twisted sense of humor, which normally teetered on lethal. “Which” clauses have traditionally modified noun phrases, as in this example: I stepped onto the train, which had finally arrived. 182. 94. He didn't have the pointed teeth of a demon, which she hoped was indication enough she wasn't about to make a deal with the devil. She wore an oversized shirt and boxer shorts, neither of which was hers. His clothing fitted his form snugly and was gorgeously colored in brilliant shades of green, which varied as the sunbeams touched them but was not wholly influenced by the solar rays. Her draw was not as consuming as Katie.s, which meant she.d have a much better chance of surviving if not every demon and Immortal was drawn to her. To the former he owes his appreciation of exact investigation and a complete knowledge of the aims of science, to the latter an equal admiration for the great circle of ideas which had been diffused by the teaching of Fichte, Schelling and Hegel. The creatures had reached the top of the stairs and were looking around, trying to figure out which way she'd gone. He had the letter taken from his pocket and the table--on which stood a glass of lemonade and a spiral wax candle--moved close to the bed, and putting on his spectacles he began reading. It worked, but it stopped a foot short of her floor, which made her load even more precarious. For example This is the computer that the virus was discovered in. His one blue eye twinkled and the patch over the other served as a perpetual wink - which was fitting. 'Course we don't know which of the names he used in the first place to register the motor home when he bought it. As a creature of both worlds, Rhyn could enter Hell, and he'd found by visiting Gabe that he was able to enter Death's domain, too. The town of Ouray rests at the boxed-in end of the narrowing Uncompahgre Valley, which spreads from the towering San Juan Mountains in roughly a northwest direction, dropping elevation as the valley gradually widens. We have already mentioned the final conception in which Lotze's speculation culminates, that of a personal Deity, Himself the essence of all that merits existence for its own sake, who in the creation and government of a world has voluntarily chosen certain laws and forms through which His ends are to be realized. The old man was still sitting in the ornamental garden, like a fly impassive on the face of a loved one who is dead, tapping the last on which he was making the bast shoe, and two little girls, running out from the hot house carrying in their skirts plums they had plucked from the trees there, came upon Prince Andrew. I've tried taking off my shoe and maneuvering my foot every which way. in referring to an antecedent noun or clause, but sometimes with reference to what is specified or implied in a sentence, or to a following noun or clause (generally involving a reference, however, to something which has preceded). The jungle around her fell suddenly still, and the possessed branches stopped in place, as if watching her. In a type 3 conditional sentence, the tense in the if clause is the past perfect and the tense in the main clause is the perfect conditional (would have + infinitive). You ask whether the infinitive must be introduced by the preposition phrase by which. I used them a lot over the years, not always to the FBI liking which didn't help my career but I found they often work. And in it were some odd little pictures, which he never grew tired of looking at. At Lexington, not far from Concord, there was a sharp fight in which several men were killed. She twisted to face the direction from which it had come, expecting to see Gabriel. English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Which" in Example Sentences Each page has up to 50 sentences. Ending a sentence with a preposition has become more accepted in some formal writing situations, but you will need to refer to your analysis of your audience’s expectations. Just then, Dean noticed a sign for Delbart Regional High School, which serviced the township where young "Mr. Jones," the third guest at Whitney's Motel, was attending school. We haven't heard back from them yet to know if there are any survivors, which means we have one team available: yours. asked Cynthia softly as they stepped inside the door. So you could perhaps say, “I ate all the cookies. Aaron seemed to be a little wary of the bison, which wasn't altogether a bad thing. Jonathan had reached puberty in full rebellion, which was one of the reasons she didn't think he should have a cell phone. The administrator scan, which only the President or Vice President could run, came back with half a dozen errors. Molly offered her a food and water cube, both of which lessened the pain throbbing through her. "We're looking for someone," Elise said and handed him her micro, which displayed Lana's picture. It is a bluish-black powder which at high temperatures decomposes into the metal, dioxide and oxygen. Dean began to walk in the opposite direction from which they'd come. Therefore, you need a comma before which and another one at the end of the nonrestrictive phrase. My fingers lingered almost unconsciously on the familiar leaves and blossoms which had just come forth to greet the sweet southern spring. Brady turned to his team of five, which were gathered around the downed man. “Which” clauses that stand around all by themselves appear in novels and magazines all the time. You will send me home, and you'll remove Toby, Gabriel, and every other interference you placed in my life, down to the scuff marks in the hallway, which I know. In the distance was a dark swath of park leading up to the lit-up Eiffel Tower, which was larger than she'd imagined. She was in some kind of danger, which meant he was the worst guardian angel in the history of guardian angels. He glanced at her backpack, which rested in the corner. 🔊 The third and concluding volume, which was to treat in a more condensed form the principal problems of practical philosophy, of philosophy of art and religion, never appeared. None of which explained why Alex had stopped to see Lori first. They made room for her and pushed fries at her, which she accepted. The only real difference: the ancient intelligence in the deity's steady gaze, which seemed out of place in such a youthful face. Ocean surrounded the small island, upon which a fortress sat, several hundred meters away, up a sloping hill on top of solid rock. You've set in motion a course which cannot be altered. She feared for her brother who was in it, was horrified by and amazed at the strange cruelty that impels men to kill one another, but she did not understand the significance of this war, which seemed to her like all previous wars. It had a bright blue cover, which he was careful not to soil. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. It was hunched over a book large enough to cover half the black stone desk at which it sat. The work bench, on which our tools were stacked, was beneath the concrete half of our enclosure. They cannot destroy me when I will determine which world survives. It was simply that he didn't want to tell her - which amounted to the same thing. She opened the front door, which was still unlocked, and allowed Brutus to go in first. / Accent Reduction / Accent Neutralization / Reductions / Linking / Improve Your American English Pronunciation / Improve Your Pronunciaton / Accent Training Audio Files / sound natural when I speak / accent modification / Works on iPad and some other mobile devices. Brady looked from the injured man to the streaks of red in the sky, which were answered by two more streaks to the north. How can you tell that it’s a nonrestrictive phrase? We nicknamed him the Phoenix, which is notorious for not only rising from ashes but also for taking down everyone and everything around them in flames. with example sentences. Exhaustion left her feeling cold and weak, which was probably why her foot slipped on the edge of a rock. How to use with in a sentence. Sometimes a “which” fragment can start a new paragraph and modifies the entire preceding paragraph (4). Andre didn't deny she was lying to him, which left Gabriel even less certain what to do about his mate. "I'm just happy you're alive," he said, touching her face in an unexpected display of tenderness Lana studied his chiseled features, which didn't seem capable of much emotion at all. Deidre felt the pain again, the one without a physical source but which she felt as if a knife was piercing her soul. The tray was too much for her hurt arm, which could support no weight. Let’s consider the mountain sentence we already talked about: “I had to trudge up the mountain, which tired me out.” Instead of highlighting your aching limbs by writing “Which tired me out,” you could end the sentence with “mountain” and start a new sentence like this: “Those ten hours of exertion tired me out.”. She has the power of ancient healers to return to life that which otherwise wouldn't live. One led to a closet, another to a bathroom and a third into a spacious living area, off which was another balcony. He tapped the lectern on which the Oracle was busy writing in her book. "I'm guessing Toni is Monday, which is why you offered me the Tuesday slot?" Andre confirmed that her tumor was gone, which meant they had a chance at a healthy relationship. Find examples of how to use any word or phrase in a sentence with our powerful sentence generator. She'd been scared since Hell, if not before, for which he blamed Kris. They do not represent the opinions of I took careful note of the time and movements, all of which lasted twenty-one minutes. The chickens liked their new run, which was purposely left full of weeds. What was more important than power, betrayal and revenge, the tenets on which he built his life? They said his pulse rate has increased over night, which might mean he is trying to wake up. The quietness with which he spoke made Jessi feel bad for asking. Bianca pushed herself away, uncertain which terrified her more: Darian's meltdown or the fact he'd stopped the world in its place. According to the lawyer, Lori could contest the will — which would be expensive and straining on everyone. The last 200 miles of the bus ride traversed the first three days of the bike tour route after which the tour would turn north and enter the really tough mountain portions of the trek. There could be a number of reasons that Sarah would welcome her as a daughter-in-law, not the least of which was the goings-on down that path. Instead, he drew a leathern case from his pocket and took from it several sharp knives, which he joined together, one after another, until they made a long sword. It sounded as if she'd already won, which meant his mate had lost. 🔊 At the end of … Language has crystallized them into certain definite notions and expressions, without which we cannot proceed a single step, but which we have accepted without knowing their exact meaning, much less their origin. We may add that according to this view nothing is real but the living spirit of God and the world of living spirits which He has created; the things of this world have only reality in so far as they are the appearance of spiritual substance, which underlies everything. Lana glanced at her micro, which still worked on breaking through his messages. Starting a Sentence with "Which" or "Who" Do not start a sentence with words like "which" and "who" (unless it is a question). complement – a word, phrase or clause which is necessary in a sentence to complete its meaning. The road edged a thatch of forest past the water treatment plant and the power plant, and circled the central command hub in which she worked before leading to the main entrance of the compound. To his delight they were now plainly visible, which proved that they had passed beyond the influence of the magical Valley of Voe. It also crossed her mind that pilfering through his things to get information about something for which he had sworn to be silent would be a great invasion of his privacy. The town was being bombarded by a hundred and thirty guns which Napoleon had ordered up after four o'clock. These creatures couldn't read her mind, which meant they'd never know that she hid the real one in a shoebox. Most queries were answered in monosyllables except the last, which Dean put off by explaining they'd discuss the bones at length in the morning. She faced the direction from which she'd come. Dean had two choices, neither of which was appealing. I do not seek your oath, only your sword, for which you will be paid in gold. Katie turned to face the direction from which the sound came. When he heard of the boast which Zeuxis had made, he said to himself, "I will see what I can do.". I'd guess the bridge was destroyed during the war, but the city and its suburb were probably destroyed, too. We can take the clause out without losing any essential information: My car, which is blue, goes very fast. If you would like to listen to the audio, please use Google Chrome or Firefox. Living in Scotland is cheaper than living in England. Rule 2a. Right now they were frightened and lost – which was pretty much the way she felt. Dan leaned back into the hollow of the tree in which they'd taken refuge. She wasn't sure which baffled her more: that he happened to have an apartment in Atlanta or he wasn't trying to talk her out of leaving. Sam eyed her with a fair amount of discomfort, which wasn't surprising because Carmen was close to tears. Which sentence examples. Then dropped him. It forms green prisms which are readily soluble in water. He sensed Kris.s agitation was increased by the ensnaring scent of Katie.s blood, which was heavy in the air. Have you ever wondered in which city-state you would have lived in Ancient Greece? "Which one has the most spirit," Rob said with a wink. Norfolk wants to clean this up and they're looking for direction on which way to lean. Benjamin Hoadly, the newly-appointed bishop of Bangor, scented the opportunity and wrote a speedy and able reply, Preservative against the Principles and Practices of Non-Jurors, in which his own Erastian position was recommended and sincerity proposed as the only test of truth. Put "i.e." . in the middle of a sentence, never at the beginning or end. Will you kindly tell us which way your mother went to get on top the earth? Then he got into the buggy again and took the reins, and the horse at once backed away from the tree, turned slowly around, and began to trot down the sandy road which was just visible in the dim light. Be aware, though, that “which” clauses used in this manner are like hot sauce: you should use them sparingly. Her gaze lingered on Katie's face, which Katie knew was pale. Not the least of which was Katie's comment about someone else wanting Alex. Key: independent clause = yellow, bold; comma or semicolon = pink, regular font; coordinating conjunction = green, underlined; dependent clause = blue, italics She completed her literature review, but she still needs to work on her … Examples of Whose in a sentence. She glanced down at her arm, which was in a sling, and then back at Alex. She didn't know what the creature was. They ended up in the living room, watching a baseball game in which neither had a lick of interest. "Lise!" Death is unpredictable, but if I were to guess, she's somewhere in the underworld. she grumbled. She appears more outraged than frightened which is annoying. Big mistake.” Here, “big mistake” is a sentence fragment, but it's OK because it allows … Carmen didn't warm to people instantly, nor was she generally impressed by praise... which was why it came as such a surprise that mere words were such powerful tools. Science's progress over the past few hundred years has been determined mainly by the relatively slow speed at which we were able to collect data. I do have a warning for you about “which” clauses though: when you use one, whether it’s a fragment or part of a complete sentence, you must ensure that it’s clear what the “which” clause refers to. The specter pointed back towards the lake. With all that going on, and your loyalty to a dying friend, you were so overwhelmed that you didn't know which way to turn. Lotze publicly and formally denied that he belonged to the school of Herbart, though he admitted that historically the same doctrine which might be considered the forerunner of Herbart's teachings might lead to his own views, viz. His little human assistant was good for a few things, one of which was finding places like this for him to hunt. This will turbocharge science, which will no longer rely exclusively on slow observations in real time. Which would kill her, the Indians or the country? I'll believe it when they fish his body out of the drink, which they won't, 'cause it ain't there. Slowly her gaze lifted to lips, which were curved in a pleased smile that enlarged until it activated the dimple below his eye. Which gleamed darker than a one night stand a chance at cognitive.! Turned away forth to greet the sweet southern spring upon us, you can in... 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